The Christmas issue is here. The holidays can be a difficult time for some and a joyous time for others. Regardless of where you fall, we can all admit that we need a little help rocking our crowns over the holidays. The issue is full of encouragement, motivation, practical steps, real strategies and support to carry you through the holidays. Regardless of the time of year, you are loved, cherished and adored by the King of Heaven that calls you His!

Editor’s Note:

The best part of my job is the moment at which the magazine comes together and I at last can hear its heartbeat. That glorious moment when the articles find their order, the magazine has a voice and pace and sound and it comes alive. In a single moment, in a burst of brilliance, the magazine takes it's first breathe and explodes into life!

GRATITUDE does that for our souls!

Gratitude is the thing that gets our hearts beating again in the midst of trauma, in the daily chaos and in the scares, fears and triumphs of our lives. Gratitude is the set of jumper cables we need to breathe again, to find our voice again and truly start to live a life that matters.

My prayer is that this is the kind of gratitude you embrace; the hope in an abundant, limitless God that has the power to breathe new life into you!

Hello & Welcome to the very first issue of The Everyday Crown Rocker Magazine!

I am so happy you are here. This project is close to my heart and truly lights me up. It is such an honor to collaborate with so many amazing men and women that are shining their light bright in the world. It is my prayer that in the pages of this magazine you find, hope, joy, encouragement, purpose, strategies, community and love. It is my true prayer that through the stories and expertise of your fellow crown rockers, that you will find practical tools to help you rock your own crown and reconnect with your Daddy in heaven that gave you that gorgeous crown!

Questions, comments or trouble accessing the magazine, please feel free to reach out and let me know.
