Trust Him When You Don’t Feel Him

Trust Him when you don’t feel Him. As we go through this time of COVID-19 quarantine, this should be a time of reflection. This should be a time of soul searching. We should take time to reflect on all we have been doing, the busy lives we have been living and how we can take a pause and find some peace and tranquility in this moment. Sometimes I think crises like this happen to remind us to just pause. Others are focused on the crisis at hand, which is understandable for us as human beings, but let us remember that there is someone greater than the crisis.

What Gratitude Can Do For Your CRM

My thoughts were going crazy. They fired rapidly from thought to thought. They were almost out of control. I initially wanted to cry. I was overwhelmed and stressed out. Once again I had too much to do and not enough time. I began to feel defeated. TRIGGERED. That’s what was happening, I was being triggered. I usually do well managing my triggers, but honestly, at that time I had not taken my preventative medicine. My preventative medicine is found in Phillipians 4:6 NLT

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings. Lately, I’ve been counting my blessings more often. I recently had COVID19. I’m grateful to report I had a very mild case. My main symptoms were a lack of sense of smell, hiccups, body aches, and a stuffy nose (mostly attributed to also having a sinus infection), I had no fever, no cough, no headache (aside from the aforementioned sinus infection typical face pressure). I had a mild case and for that I am grateful.

Poverty With A View

My town has been known to many as a serene place to retire, a town with a country feel, a progressive place, and, as the title stated, an economically difficult place to survive.

“A Beautiful Place to Starve” is another nickname, but it is also known as our nation’s recognized “First Dark Sky City” because of all the extensive efforts to reduce the lumens used across the city. It is home to the observatory where the planet Pluto was discovered and the sixty-thousand residents who enjoy living in the middle of the largest Ponderosa Pine forest in the world! So why the economically bad reputation? There is a high cost of living that taints the beautiful view of the forest and twelve thousand-foot mountain that towers over our seven-thousand-foot city.

Circumstances Do Not Deny You Life

Circumstances Do Not Deny You Life On Friday, September 18, 2015, my family and I experienced what I am calling a cleansing death when an electrical fire took over our home. We lost just about everything we owned but were all able to get out with our lives. There are many lessons I could share with you but the most valuable lesson is that there is no circumstance that can deny you the right to live. Catch that and catch it fast. There are far too many people who are stuck in a circumstance that has them bound. Don’t let that be your story.

Grateful for His Rest.

Grateful for His rest. Gratitude is an attitude that provides hope and healing. After my young husband died when our children were seven, six, and four years old, I knew I turned a corner when I was more grateful for the years we had together than I was fretful about the years we would not have together. My relationship with God changed. It became stronger and more steadfast with that grateful heart. My relationship with others changed for the better with that grateful heart.

The FLIP Formula

The FLIP Formula: Gratitude is one of the most important emotions we can experience. Research has shown that it has multiple benefits such as increased happiness or joy, greater resilience, and the healing of negative emotional experiences that have left their “emotional mark” upon us.

For years I sought out and worked with different ways of helping people to access and experience gratitude more easily and consistently in their lives. A friend of mine, speaker, and author Kevin Clayson developed a nice acronym and formula for doing just that.

It is called the “FLIP the Switch” and is a wonderful way of feeling and consistently experiencing gratitude in your life on a daily basis. During the holiday season, we are entering, with its frustrations and stresses, knowing how to access gratitude when needed is a great skill and gift to give yourself.

Grateful & Thankful

Grateful and Thankful: In our daily walk, it is easy to forget to remember the simple things that we partake in. This month we revisit our daily intentions and the simple things that bring us a spirit of thankfulness. Being thankful is focusing on the everyday things and pausing to reflect on the goodness all around us. Recently, on a busy weekday morning, I took a moment to focus on gratitude as I reached for a towel. I was mindful that the towel was placed there by my husband who carefully folded the towel after he washed a load of laundry. The laundry had been gathered from the bathroom, taken downstairs, loaded into the washer with the detergent and fabric softener. What I realized was not only was I thankful for the towel that I was grabbing, but I was thankful for my husband who had mobility in his legs to climb the stairs, bend and gather the laundry, and take it to the washer that was housed in our home.

Editors Notes - 2020 Gratitude Issue

Let me tell you! Over the last 8 months, God has shown me in real-time what it is to have him cause springs to burst forth in the desert. In the midst of my driest, most difficult desert experience of my life, so many women, strangers, friends, and family have offered me relief in one form or another. So far in 2020: My marriage ended unexpectedly. I found out the person I loved, had violated my trust in the worst way. I lost ⅔ of my income at a time when God had called me to full-time entrepreneurship. I found myself trying to navigate homeschooling. My boys and I all contracted the Corona Virus and we moved back across the country. Life has brought me to my knees and God has brought so many people into my life, that have supported me and encouraged me to keep going and not give up.

This is just one story that starts out full of drama but ends in victory and praise. Keep reading for more amazing stories of triumph, truth, and gratitude!