Let me tell you! Over the last 8 months, God has shown me in real-time what it is to have him cause springs to burst forth in the desert. In the midst of my driest, most difficult desert experience of my life, so many women, strangers, friends, and family have offered me relief in one form or another. So far in 2020: My marriage ended unexpectedly. I found out the person I loved, had violated my trust in the worst way. I lost ⅔ of my income at a time when God had called me to full-time entrepreneurship. I found myself trying to navigate homeschooling. My boys and I all contracted the Corona Virus and we moved back across the country. Life has brought me to my knees and God has brought so many people into my life, that have supported me and encouraged me to keep going and not give up. This is just one story that starts out full of drama but ends in victory and praise.

Keep reading for more amazing stories of triumph, truth, and gratitude!

Proverbs 8:11 tells us that "wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare to her." In the wake of the Corona Virus pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, 2020 has been a year of resistance and resilience. We have needed to ask for wisdom for a whole range of circumstances. Sometimes we have had to ask for that wisdom from one 60 second stretch of time to the next. As we navigate the back to school season of 2020, we continue to seek the wisdom our Heavenly Father so readily gives.

It was not all bad as hope sprung up despite it all. We connected in ways we never have before, we learned to navigate challenges in new and creative ways and... [drum roll please]...The Everyday Crown Rocker Magazine is celebrating its first anniversary! Whoop Whoop! To celebrate, read the latest issue for a major announcement in the Editor's Notes and then read all about Wisdom and her virtue and value too!

Outside of happy, outside of those moments that rock your world and leave you in awe, this issue tackles Joy. That thing that lets you smile in the rain. That resource of strength God gives you to keep on going. The ability to see the silver lining and to keep on going joyfully even as life ebs and flows.

My prayer for you is this that: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you  and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you  and give you peace.”’ - Numbers 6: 24-27 and "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

Discouraged by your weight? Discouraged by an addiction? Discouraged as a parent? May this issue fill you with hope and inspire you to grow. May it be the start of conversations with your Heavenly Father. Our hope and help comes from Him, and that means camping out at his feet, moving as He directs and resting when He makes you lay down in green pastures. Dear Sister, be encouraged; be of good cheer. The God who loves you, cherishes you, adopted you and crowned you is the same God of your here and now and is already in your future. He is and has already sorted it out. All you have to do is look up, child.

The Love issue is here. Commercial marketing is sending signals that February is the month of Love.  It is easy to think that February is just about romantic love, but as Crown Rockers, we know that the love we get from our Father is far greater than any earthly love we may receive. You are loved, cherished and adored by the King of Heaven that calls you His and there is no greater love than that!