How I Learned to Manage my Emotions

How I learned to manage my emotions. For many years, my thoughts lay in a jumble pile and it was hard to sort through the processes in my mind. It took many years for me to understand that thinking effectively for clarity and sanity involved separating our thoughts. I know it seems strange but as I have said and will say often, it is necessary if you desire to attain any kind of success in life.

Still, I choose Joy

Still I choose joy. These last few months our lives have changed.  Ok, not really changed, but turned upside down and then suddenly took a right turn, then a left and then started spinning round and round landing somewhere we never thought we would be. We have unexpectedly had to put on masks, quarantine for months, wash our hands a bazillion times a day.

Joy in the Storm

Joy in the storm. When the storms of life come we can rely on the underlying currents of love, peace, and joy that we’ve established by faith and the forgiveness of sin, and the hope empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The Lord sustains us, strengthens us, His hope anchors our soul, His word guides us, His love and joy lift us. The Lord sustains us, strengthens us, His hope anchors our soul, His word guides us, His love and joy lift us. We can have joy, we can live joy, because He has redeemed us and given us the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit produces joy in us as we dig deep and lean on God’s word in reading and praying.

Bring Back the JOY in Parenting

Bring back the joy in parenting. Do you remember your first days of parenting?  Preparing to bring your bundle of joy home from the hospital.  Being sure that the car seat was in correctly.  Being totally exhausted from lack of sleep, but still smiling as you watched the baby sleeping in their crib.  Well, guess what?  Joy happens every day and in every stage of parenting. 


Joy. I am affectionately known as The Joy Queen.  I can’t remember who started calling me that, but it kinda stuck and in all honesty, I like it! Am I always “happy?” Nooooo, not by a long-shot! But I do live in a place of joy in the Lord! Why is this important? Because in times of living in the messy, we need to know where our Joy comes from so we can live free from fear, oppression and anxiety! Recently I asked a handful of my friends what the meaning of joy is to them and here are their responses:

Choosing the Right Financial Advisor

There are several considerations when it comes to deciding whether or not you should work with a financial advisor. I fully understand how intimidating it can be, as we are talking about entrusting the management of your life savings to another person or company! So let’s cover some of the most common concerns about hiring a financial advisor

Want to Have a Joy-Filled Relationship?

Want to have a joy-filled relationship? We all want happy, flourishing relationship...right?

I know I do.

But is it even possible?

The answer is ...Yes!

So what is the key, how do we attain this goal?

According to researchers in the area of positive psychology the key is positive emotions! Especially the positive emotion of joy.

Joy in the Mourning

Joy in the Mourning. Let’s be honest, before we even coined the term Covid-19, because of the world we live in, we were all experiencing some level of grief and mourning. My family was adjusting to the ups and downs of my husband’s recent forced retirement, the death of a beloved uncle, concern for a daughter-in-love due to have a baby, and more.

What were you struggling through? The struggle is a guarantee. John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation...

Joy and Freedom

Joy and Freedom. [In the voice of Sophia on Golden Girls] Picture it...Nassau, Bahamas. It's the year 2020. We're in the midst of a global pandemic. I'm sitting at my dining table in front of the laptop with my eyes closed. A breakthrough coach is guiding me through a visualization via Zoom.

The coach tells me to picture a peaceful place. I do. Then she says to imagine that God is there with me. I look around and there He is, just up yonder over there. She asks if I can see God. I don’t want to disturb this sacred moment so I breathe out a quiet “yes.”

The Joy is in Your Yes, God!

The joy is in your yes, God! Where does your hope and confidence come from in business?Hopefully, it comes from your faith. Faith in God, faith in Him as your provider, your source for everything. When you dream with God, about your business and the work that you do, you receive guidance for what you do.

Type A Spring Cleaning

Type A Spring Cleaning. The Type A’s of this world find joy in making lists of what to clean, what to organize, what to donate, and what to declutter! All the while our spouses and children seek new hiding spots with hopes of being forgotten, but they will be found and (strongly) encouraged to comply with detailed cleaning instructions from their Type A leader. And fortunately for the Type A family, daylight savings time indicates more time to attain more goals.

Functional Joy

Functional Joy. Many people have never heard this term before, let alone experienced the benefits of it. FM addresses your overall health and wellness and can help you find answers for your medical issues that conventional medicine has not provided answers for. It is a medical modal approach to dealing with chronic illness, taking the whole person into account. It finds the root cause(s) of illness and provides treatment for lasting health and wellness.

Conventional medicine is a wonderful tool to have. If I have a heart attack, break my leg, need surgery, or go into anaphylactic shock due to bee bet I want to be seen by a CM doctor. God has gifted us with the ability to treat many diseases and injuries through this approach.

Flawless! (Extended Article)

Flawless is defined as: Without any blemishes or imperfections.

I was at a point in my life, where my daughter was off living her best life at college. I was a single woman, an empty nester, filling her time with working and shopping. Who else loves an enjoyable shopping trip to Marshall’s or T.J. Maxx? Both? Me too!

As was our habit, a married friend and I met to catch up over lunch. Younger and more tech savvy than I, she suggested I join an online dating site.