The Joy is in Your Yes, God!

The Joy is in Your Yes, God!

Where does your hope and confidence come from in business?

Hopefully, it comes from your faith. Faith in God, faith in Him as your provider, your source for everything. When you dream with God, about your business and the work that you do, you receive guidance for what you do, when you do it, the decisions that you make, the endeavors, you undertake, and the direction that you go.

Sometimes that direction will make you say, “Whaaaaaat???” I’ve been there. At the end of 2018 I was planning my first three-day in person event. I researched a bunch of things and then took a break from planning. A few months went by and I realized that the event was coming up quickly and I better get back to planning!

Then something happened...

While I was on a flight across the country God downloaded this whole blueprint to me on hosting a virtual summit. He even gave me the names of those to invite as guest speakers and the copy for the web page. This was great!

However, I was a little confused on the timing. I thought, “God, it’s April and the three-day conference is in June. Shouldn’t I be promoting the conference?” Guess what His response was? It was to host the virtual summit at the beginning of May! I thought, “Oh my, that’s less than a month!!!” and then I thought, “Okay, God. I’ll do it.” and began following His direction.

I had never been to a virtual summit, let alone hosted one before. Turns out that I broke all the rules and... it was so POWERFUL! I had never experienced Holy Spirit working through the worldwide web like that before and it was AMAZING! Lives were touched. People were healed. Transformation in hearts and minds happened right before my eyes, right on my screen! I experienced joy by the power of the Holy Spirit through the experience of partnering with God in business in a new-to-me way.

What He speaks to you and reveals to you, becomes your unique personal blueprint for your business. Often, if not all the time, it will not seem logical. It is not necessarily going to make sense and it definitely may not be what the gurus tell you to do to create or build a business on the surface, because His ways are higher than our ways.

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When we follow His direction, even when it makes little sense to us, we can trust Him.

When we trust him, every time we trust him, and we experience the result that He desires us to experience, it gives us confidence for the next time He asks us to do something that makes little sense to our mind, seems far fetched or maybe even a little crazy.

It is the exercising of that faith that causes growth in confidence, and the hope we have in Him in our business. In fact, when we see lives transformed because we said, “Yes!” to God, we experience joy. Like for real, deep, energizing joy!

It's an exercising of our faith that leads to a result we could never ever have done on our own, because there is a kingdom impact when we say yes to God.

Every time we say, “Yes!” to God we are exercising our faith, building our trust muscles, and having a supernatural experience of bringing heaven to earth... we release heaven on earth.

I looked up the definition of “experience” on and it says, knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what one has observed, encountered, or undergone.”

When we have an experience with God in our business, it motivates us to keep saying, “Yes, God!” and our trust in God grows exponentially. So the next time He asks us to do something that may seem crazy, we immediately say, “Yes, God!” because we know it's going to be incredible and we can trust that it's going to be amazing.

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This is where true joy is experienced in business that is done in partnership with Him.

When we have an experience with God in our business, it motivates us to keep saying, “Yes, God!” and our trust in God grows exponentially. So the next time He asks us to do something that may seem crazy, we immediately say, “Yes, God!” because we know it's going to be incredible and we can trust that it's going to be amazing. This is where true joy is experienced in business that is done in partnership with Him.

What is God asking you to do right now that seems impossible, crazy or you feel ill-equipped to do? I want to encourage you to lean into that thing and ask Holy Spirit, “What is the one next step I need to take right now for this?” and then do it. It may seem uncomfortable, however, take comfort because our Father knows best, He won’t steer you wrong because He loves you in such an incredible way.

And can I just encourage you for a moment? Don’t worry about getting it wrong! If you get it wrong, our Father will not fire you. (Insert wink here) He is going to lovingly course correct you. That’s all! So go forward with boldness and in peace while full of joy knowing that what you are about to experience with God will be a WOW experience. Just leave the results to Him and keep saying, “Yes, God!”.

One final thought, enJOY the adventure of doing business in partnership with God as you release heaven every step of the way!

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