AMBIGUITY - AMBISCHOOLITY! What in the world is happening as we go back to school? We have four sons and two daughters; two sons and two daughters with children. Two families are 100% public schoolers; well, at least until now! One family is a mix of private school and homeschooling. One family is 100% homeschooled. Our oldest daughter is a middle/high school teacher!

The Wisdom of a Rhythm

The Wisdom of a Rhythm. Back to school is always one of my favorite times of year. It is a time when we reset our agendas. We lose summer schedules with late nights and sleeping-in-late mornings and replace them with bedtimes and book-bags.Although this back to school season of 2020 will be different, we have faith, wisdom, discernment and the capacity to seek God on solutions to any problems we encounter.

Wisdom: A Vital Missing Piece to Great Relationships!

Wisdom: A Vital Missing Piece to Great Relationships! I read the instruction to the person on the other end of the line and they said “Oh, sir I see the problem… they left out a very important exit you need to take - that is why you couldn’t find us!” Sure enough as I got back on the road and followed the directions with the added piece of information I found myself one hour later at the hotel - I was just four hours late for my first day of training!

Which IRA is Right for Me, Traditional or Roth?

Which IRA is Right for Me, Traditional or Roth?As a financial advisor, one of the most common questions I get asked is to explain the differences between Traditional and Roth individual retirement accounts (IRAs). I want to help you understand the main differences and also have a process for determining which may make the most sense for your personal situation.

NOT a Type A 2020

Not a Type A 2020. So, the Chinese New Year for 2020 was deemed the Year of the Rat. Now, I don’t know a lot about the Chinese zodiac calendar other than reading the printed information from a Chinese restaurant’s menu, but I do know that 2020 is NOT the year for Type A Christians! If you are Type A like me and try to plan the year in advance, you know that our task lists were decimated by the Coronavirus. Our plans delayed, vacations cancelled, schools disassembled, and churches streamed online.

Yield To Freedom

Yield to Freedom. As we embark on year 2 of the magazine, and a new school year for many, wisdom is such a fitting theme. With all the changes that have been happening recently, like new normals and new financial positions, we can all agree that there is...

...a lot to navigate

...heaps of uncertainty much beyond our control

Thankfully, even though we may not have all the answers, we have God. Thus, we can rely on God's wisdom to help us adjust and prepare for things we do not fully understand.

The Women of Wisdom

Women of Wisdom. I have had many women I have known personally and intimately who have loved on me, taught me, and rebuked me when necessary but always with the love and goodness I needed. I have also had mentors that did not give me good advice because they were still blinded by the deception taught in some denominations and in our patriarchal culture. Can you be a born-again, spirit-filled follower of Christ and still be blind? Yes! I was.

Let's Create a New Pathway:  Engaging our Children in Lifelong Learning

Back to school 2020. In this issue we are digging deep and answering questions that most parents are pondering in the wake of the pandemic of 2020 and starting a new school year with lots of concerns on our minds. It is important to think through the scenarios on the television, and weighing down our hearts. This is a time to sit and consider how we want to live and navigate the changes in our lives. We are thinking of those who are in all types of situation, and drawing on the wisdom of the Word of God to guide and direct our decisions.

Editor's Notes - Happy Birthday Magazine!

The one year anniversary of the mag caught me off guard. In the busyness and craziness that is life, it felt like it snuck up from behind me and tapped me on the shoulder like, “You-woo. I’m here.” What a joyous moment it was to be like, “Whoa! It’s been a whole year God! All Glory be to God who by His power at work within me has been able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I could think or ask. More than I could dare to dream or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)

What a beautiful thing it is to celebrate!