Art for Healing and Hope

Art for healing and hope. I felt like I could not survive my last bout with depression but God/hope kept me alive. Knowing who I am in Christ and who He is was key. And having faith that He would get me to the other side. If you’re struggling today, don’t give up. You’re not alone and this too shall pass. Believe you are healed and call it forth on earth as it is in heaven. And don't hesitate to ask for help.

Investing - Stay the Course

Investing. Stay the course. With the current situation we are experiencing with COVID-19, many of us are adapting to the daily changes. If you have watched the news recently, you have probably noticed that the stock market has also been negatively impacted. I wanted to share a few brief tips on how to invest in times of uncertainty with the goal of easing your concerns about your financial future.

The Bunker Strategy

The Bunker Strategy. When nations started going into lock-down, it was painful to hear of deaths and hard to see vibrant city streets emptied of all life. It was encouraging to see the strength and commitment of those called to the front-line to defend and safeguard our survival like doctors, nurses, till operators in supermarkets and the random delivery guy.

It was interesting to read stories about how people all over the world are trying to live during lock-down.It was funny seeing peoples’ experiences of work-from-home (WFH) routines in an attempt to maintain some semblance of sanity. But the reality was that COVID-19 had forced the majority of the world to retreat to the bunker. While in my own lock-down situation I have reflected on 5 reasons why we needed to retreat and 4 reasons why there is hope after COVID-19.

Until Next Time...

Until next time… She could feel it when he left this time. Even though she was totally engaged in another activity and not physically in the same room, she could literally feel his presence leave her heart. Her breath left her body in an inaudible gasp as she willed her mind to be still and concentrate on the task at hand.

“Stiff upper lip, stay grounded, focus”, she said to herself.

5 Steps to Going After Your God-Sized Dreams

5 Steps to going after your God-Sized dream. Ask anyone actively pursuing their God-Size dreams, and they will tell you, it isn’t easy, but I do know from experience that it is possible!! Over the past decade of working with entrepreneurs going after big, big dreams I realized that there are really five steps that lead to success. These five steps may help.

Are you Immune?

Are you immune? While working on my second book during the recent Coronavirus quarantine, I received the topic for this month’s magazine publication. The theme “to give you a hope and a future” made me think of a recent blog that I posted on my Type A Christian’s Instagram account. Please read the blog post below

When a Fast Becomes a Feast

When a fast becomes a feast. I’ll never forget my first experience with fasting. I had been reading my Bible and it was very clear to me that fasting was a necessary part of a victorious Christian life, but no one had ever taught me about this practice, much less modeled it for me. I had made several attempts throughout college, but they were a miserable failure I must confess.

Hope is Healthy

Hope is healthy. I felt useless, used up, dirty, and used. I didn’t plan or ponder I simply walked into the bathroom and took all the pills in the medicine cabinet. Several days later, I had a conversation with my earthly father about why I was still alive.Through his words, I caught a revelation that if I was still breathing, there must be a reason. If taking all the pills in the medicine cabinet didn’t kill me, then there must be a reason.

Learning to Acknowledge Your Emotions

Learning to manage your emotions.We all are born with a certain amount of intuition. The problem is, from a very young age we are often told to ignore our feelings or that our feelings are just wrong. Much like force-feeding an infant can cause the child to ignore their natural hunger control mechanism, it’s the same with emotions. The more we have been taught to push down our feelings, the more likely we are not to trust our emotions.

Restoring Hope to the Heart

Restoring hope to the heart. When it comes to relationships one of the most important elements is to have is hope. Hope biblically speaking is a “confident expectation of good to come”. Being confident about a good to come creates in us an optimistic outlook about our future. This optimistic outlook in turn creates motivation that energizes and moves us to act and live in ways that make that future happen.

Do you not Matter More Than Birds?

Do you not matter more than birds? When everything is still, we can hear. It sounds like a known fact that the opposite of sound is silence, but the phrase takes on a whole new meaning when you experience it for yourself. Recently, I have been more aware of the chirping of birds outside of our home, particularly at night. It's amazing the clarity we receive when we must be still and take inventory of what is going on around us. Hearing their conversation, I was reminded of Matthew 6:25-26

Outrageous Hope

How is your heart? Are you worried? Anxious? Fearful? Is COVID-19 scaring the crap out of you? Are you wondering if you will survive this pandemic physically, financially, and even emotionally? We are all there desperately spinning in a cycle of questions and hopelessness right now. We are wondering how to handle what we are going through and what the outcome is going to be. These are scary unknowns right now and we need outrageous hope.

Editor's Notes

In this Hope Issue’s editor’s notes: Sometimes it feels like I don’t have enough money, enough training, enough emotional strength, enough faith to carry out what God has called me to do. I get discouraged as a mother. I am not always the best wife, and I feel discouraged by that. I don’t consistently make my monthly income goals and that makes me question myself, His will and my purpose and cry out it is all too much for me to carry on my own.