Art for Healing and Hope

Art for Healing and Hope

Healing series No. 1 “Letting Go”

Taking the first step, the first dip into the water is the hardest. You hesitate, hem and haw. You may dip your toe and and then shrink back. But at some point, you just need to jump in, all the way, in over your head. At first, the water can feel like a shock to the system. You begin to shiver and you body attempts to rapidly warm itself. But you stay because you know it will get better. Then, after some time, your body adjusts and it’s not so cold and not so scary anymore. In fact, you realize, the water's great and there was nothing to worry about! This painting was one of the first larger pieces I have done. It took a lot of courage for me to step out and try something new on a big blank canvas staring back at me. But God had given me a vision of me painting, throwing paint on the canvas - think Jackson Pollock, but with Holy Spirit instead. These paintings can take me a few days as I wait for layers to dry in between and feel the Holy Spirit’s nudge to place the next splash of paint.

In my corporate role I can be very reserved, I work in a highly regulated environment and things are very black and white, and very rigid. In fact, my job is literally to make sure documents follow regulatory standards regarding quality assurance. That's why I find so much freedom in art. Art is my release. My way of letting go of constraints of my daily life. It's an opportunity to play with color and - with great energy and emotion - release things onto the canvas that I otherwise could not express.

I’m still learning to take these first steps and I’m so grateful for His grace every step of the way. This piece is called Letting Go because it’s about letting go of fear, pain, dis-ease and anything else that tries to hold me back from walking in what He’s called me to be and do.

"Flow in Him"

Artist Jose Lewis has a Ted Talk about finding "flow" in the midst of tragedy. Josie defines flow as a transformative state of immersive, deep concentration where you lose track of time and find intense pleasure. Josie found flow doing simple watercolor paintings as she grieved the loss of her stillborn baby after a series of miscarriages. Flow helped her process her grief and provided a healthy outlet in a time where she could not manage to do much at all.

Another person I've heard talk about flow is author Mark Virkler. Mark calls attention to John 7:37 "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." Mark teaches how to hear God's voice, he says: "God's voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind while your eyes are fixed on Jesus." He also says "When you tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures, you tune into your heart and your spirit." - []

For me, flow - and painting while in flow is both. It's a meditative state in which I can heal and lose track of time, and it's also a time of communion with God, a means and expression of hearing His voice. And a way to process spontaneous thoughts and pictures while my eyes are fixed on Him. This painting was made during a watercolor class but I made it my own with the colors and unique composition. I flowed with Him and I blended blues and purples and found intense pleasure playing with some of my favorite colors. Every piece brings a level of healing and my prayer is that is also heals others, supernaturally. Do you believe that looking at a piece of artwork can bring healing - spiritually, mentally, physically? I do! I believe God can use all forms of art to bring freedom and transformation. Will you receive it today? What ways can you learn to flow with him in this season?


Abstract art is fascinating to me because I often don't know what the final result will look like. This challenges me deeply as it means I have to let go of control and perfection. It forces me to let go of the outcome - leave the results to Him and try to just enjoy the process! Through the process, he guides me, gives me ideas, and leads me in certain directions. The more I lean into Him and let go, the more things flow. I must stop resisting, relax, and trust Him. And yet, I still have to pick up the brush and do my part. So much of the risks He ask us to take is like that. We need to do our part and leave the results to Him.

A lot of my healing has been like this. He told me a few months ago "Pick up your mat and walk - I've done my part, now you do yours." I realized He's already healed me but I need to start doing my part and act like I'm healed in order to see the full manifestation of the healing in the here and now. It hasn't been an easy journey - there are days where I feel like I'm making no progress at all. But I remind myself that His is a greater reality and I keep making small steps towards victory.

This piece of art was one where I had no idea what the end product would look like. And I realized at the end it looked rather galactic. It looked like planets and shooting stars and it was so fun to be surprised by the outcome! I just love when the result is better than we could have ever imagined! I think he loves to surprise us. Have you given him the opportunity to surprise you lately by letting go of the outcome?

Healing series No. 3 “Grasping for Hope”

Sometimes when I paint I’m grasping for hope. I'm grasping to feel a sense of peace again. To connect with God and paint with Him. A lot of the time, the process of painting feels like a release of emotion onto the canvas. With each fling, stroke, drip, I release the grief, heaviness, and the darkness. I admit, in my darkest hours I have been plagued by a feeling of hopelessness. A feeling that there's no one and nothing that could possibly help me dig out of the dark pit.

Proverbs 18:14 says “A man’s spirit can endure sickness, but who can survive a broken spirit?”

Depression is tricky because it’s not something you can readily see on someone. If you are someone that manages to be high-functioning, you can battle this disease while seeming healthy and normal on the outside - and completely shattered on the inside and in private. I remember times where I would be at work, go cry in the bathroom, then splash some water on my face and put on a smile again. I couldn't possibly give anyone even a hint of the pain or else I was afraid it would all come out like a rushing river of despair, with no way to shut it off. I was also so ashamed. The stigma around mental health is real and something I was keenly aware of. Not to mention being anxious about sharing something so personal with people. So I suffered in silence as a survival tactic.

‭‭ But even then, in every stain of darkness on my soul, Jesus was/is there, healing me, reaching His hand toward me. A glimmer of hope remained.

I felt like I could not survive my last bout with depression but God/hope kept me alive. Knowing who I am in Christ and who He is was key. And having faith that He would get me to the other side.

If you’re struggling today, don’t give up. You’re not alone and this too shall pass. Believe you are healed and call it forth on earth as it is in heaven. And don't hesitate to ask for help.

Investing - Stay the Course

Investing - Stay the Course