Tap Into the Source & Release Heaven

Tap Into the Source & Release Heaven

I don't know about you, but quite often when I hear the word “love” I think of the theme song from the 80’s show, The Love Boat. “Love, exciting and new. Come aboard. We’re expecting you and love, life’s sweetest reward. Let it flow. It floats back to you”. Love is really where it’s at for every part of our lives. Including in our actions, through our communications, and even live streaming.

 In the last week of January, I led a My Confident Live Stream 5-Day Challenge. One of the most important parts of a successful, impactful live stream is partnering with God (God is love) beforehand. I call it Setting The Atmosphere. You see, when we partner with Holy Spirit we receive wisdom and guidance in what to include in our live streams. We can tap into the heart of the Father and specifically ask Him what's on His heart for those who are going to be viewing this live stream. What's on His heart for those who will be engaging with the live stream or watching the replay? When we do that, we are connecting to Love. We are gaining an understanding of how to love those who are engaging with our live stream.

I was reading Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John C. Maxwell and in the book he includes a list of questions he asks himself before going into round-table meetings. One of the questions is "How do they want to feel when we conclude?" What if we asked the Holy Spirit how our Father wants people to feel after interactions with us? What if before we call/have a meeting/send an email/record a video/go live with or for that client, prospective client, vendor, friend or family member that we paused and sought the Father's heart first? What if we tapped into love with an increased awareness of what the Source of love wants to release through us? What transformation would happen?

We would be transformed as we gain the perspective of heaven.

Who we interact with would experience the kingdom. Our legacy would be that we are releasers of heaven! Everything changes when we partner with God and continually go to greater depths of understanding of how deep and wide His love truly is. Real love transforms. Real love builds up. Real love brings freedom. Real love seeks the best for others.

When we seek the Father’s heart before interacting with others, before creating content, before speaking, we don’t have to worry about what we will say or what to write or type. The message is literally from heaven! When we lean on Wisdom and tap into Love we can trust that the recipient will experience heaven on earth.

God is our source for everything. God is love. When we seek His heart and His way of doing and saying things and we do that, we release it, we are bringing His kingdom to earth. His kingdom comes. His will is done. Tapping into the Source of love enables us to release heaven in a very practical way.

I hope this message encourages you to connect with clients and others in a deeper, more meaningful way. I hope it encourages you to tap into the source before (and during) every interaction with clients whether it is over the phone, Zoom, email, social media, video, texting or live stream. When we have even a partial understanding of what Love desires to impart, we release heaven and glorify God through our interactions. Our light shines bright.

Will you tap into the Source and release heaven through the work that you do today?

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