Type A Love

What is Type A Love? My dad was born in 1958. He grew up in a time that was simple yet very different than I faced when growing up in the 80s. At the young age of nine, my dad had his first paper route and bicycled his way through neighborhoods that were not the safest. Children had to grow up quickly and were not coddled as much as our current generation.

Love The Skin You Are In

Love the skin you are in! Navigating the skincare world can be a very confusing place, but don’t worry! I’ve got your back… and your face! Did you know that you should apply your skincare in specific steps in order for them to absorb correctly? Always go from thinnest to thickest. If you try to apply a thin serum after you moisturize the bigger molecules of the moisturizer will block the smaller molecules of your serums and you are essentially throwing your money down the drain.

Seeking My Next Love...Me

It’s about learning to love me. This is the time of the year where love is overflowing all around you. When you go to the store, walk in the restaurants or even visit your family, love is in the air. This time can be full of bliss and excitement, but sometimes it simply is not. Why? Simply because we have been through some things from loss, failed relationships and unqualified love candidates. This can take a toll and we wish February would hurry up and leave so we can get to the springtime, where relationships are not talked about as much.

This year, I think your February can be one to remember. Sometimes we get caught up in the love we are not receiving from loved ones, flings, or friends. This season it’s always good to be thinking about the love you have for yourself. Self-love is of high importance for your life and to the Lord. Without love for you, you can’t love another person and you will have a hard time receiving love from others.

Becoming A Person of Love

It’s February. The Month of Love…or, at the very least the month we celebrate a specific day of love. Love is so very important to our relationships. I think we can all agree with this. What is also cool to know is this: love or loving others is also a skill that you can learn.

This is something I learned when I was sixteen years old. And it literally changed my life and is one of the main reasons I have been married to the same woman for the past 31 years.

My Heart in Your Hands

This month we are using the topic of love to draw from the deepest parts of our soul. Our heart represents many things in our life. The life source that keeps beating and brings us to life day by day, moment by moment. It is the source of our feelings and emotions which bring us to action or conviction. The heart is a living breathing organism that takes in all that we say, do, and hold dear.

When Sugar is Love

Commercial marketing is sending signals that February is the month of Love. When we walk through the local grocery store it looks like love means sweets.

Even if you aren’t normally tempted by sweet treats, February with its chocolate kisses, red hots, pink frosted cupcakes and heart-shaped candy on every corner can be a struggle. However, we are Overcomers so let’s come up with a plan of attack.