My Heart in Your Hands

My Heart in Your Hands

This month we are using the topic of love to draw from the deepest parts of our soul.  Our heart represents many things in our life. The life source that keeps beating and brings us to life day by day, moment by moment.  It is the source of our feelings and emotions which bring us to action or conviction. The heart is a living breathing organism that takes in all that we say, do, and hold dear.  The heart pumps blood and oxygen and registers every feeling that surges through our body. For me, the greatest reality of my heart and what it means to give love was when I held my firstborn son in my arms after giving birth.  I felt so vulnerable and yet fully alive and engaged with this life that was within and now had broken forth the daylight, and lay still in my hands looking at me, as I was looking at him.

This is what they meant when they said, Love is holding your child in your hands and understanding that you have the capacity to love this being with all you have and nothing will ever hurt them or harm them because against all odds I will love and protect them from all.

As a parent, I embodied so many questions about what my capacity to love was, until I held my son in my arms and it answered every question I would ever have.  My first question was do I have the capacity to nurture this soul and care for him? The next question I asked or stated, was how is it possible to love him so much?  Both questions yield to the demonstration of love in action. We know that the greatest of all gifts is love.

I Corinthians 13:4-8 gives us the script of what love looks like:

Love is patient and kind.

Love does not envy or boast.

It is not arrogant or rude.

It does not insist on its own way

It is not irritable or resentful

It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. 

Love never ends……

The love of a parent for a child is never-ending and the greatest example of the love of our God to the world.  As we cultivate our love walk with our children here are simple ways at each stage to show love to your child. By showing love, you will experience a reciprocal love from your child.


Sit and dream about what life will be like after your baby arrives.  Create a love letter to read to your child to tell them how you’ve been waiting for them and what they mean to you.


Make the most of every moment. Take time to sit and linger as you feed your baby. Breathe deeply as you rock your baby to sleep, taking in all of their love for you.


As your toddler is scouting new things and busy all around, take in the moments that they are still and sleeping and watch them sleep.  Take in the cuteness and let your love shine through, waiting for the next quiet moment to emerge.


The exchange of love notes and hand-drawn pictures show your child how to illustrate their love. A simple heart and I love you in their lunch or snack bag will brighten up your child’s day.


One of our favorite things is to put words to how much we love.  I love you more than the stars, I love you to the moon and back, I love you when you snuggle up and watch cartoons, and just because share an ice cream date.


Love is demonstrated in time spent. Take the moments as they present themselves and learn to appreciate the unique character of your teen. As a teen, it may change often, embrace the developing complicated love they display.


Everyone loves to be thought of in simple ways.  Write a simple note to express your love, leave a little box of trinkets, and wrap a chocolate bar with a note sharing something you appreciate about someone you love.

Love expressed is the greatest gift you can give.  Demonstrate your love today and bring joy to someone today!

Becoming  A Person of Love

Becoming A Person of Love

When Sugar is Love

When Sugar is Love