All in Soul & Self Care

Seeking My Next Love...Me

It’s about learning to love me. This is the time of the year where love is overflowing all around you. When you go to the store, walk in the restaurants or even visit your family, love is in the air. This time can be full of bliss and excitement, but sometimes it simply is not. Why? Simply because we have been through some things from loss, failed relationships and unqualified love candidates. This can take a toll and we wish February would hurry up and leave so we can get to the springtime, where relationships are not talked about as much.

This year, I think your February can be one to remember. Sometimes we get caught up in the love we are not receiving from loved ones, flings, or friends. This season it’s always good to be thinking about the love you have for yourself. Self-love is of high importance for your life and to the Lord. Without love for you, you can’t love another person and you will have a hard time receiving love from others.