Are you Immune?

Are you Immune?

While working on my second book during the recent Coronavirus quarantine, I received the topic for this month’s magazine publication. The theme “to give you a hope and a future” made me think of a recent blog that I posted on my Type A Christian’s Instagram account. Read on.

There are many who post negative remarks regarding vaccines, and in the coronavirus's wake, where there are no vaccines, I wanted to share one simple fact.

The importance of a vaccine is to stimulate antibodies and provide immunity to a specific disease and its side effects. While many receive vaccines, these individuals provide a “herd immunity,” or resistance to the spread of a particular disease for those who choose NOT to vaccinate.

Christianity unfortunately does not work in this way. Jesus spoke of many blessings throughout His time on earth to His followers. While blessings are bestowed upon those who have opted to receive immunity [from God’s] judgment of our sins, many unbelievers may also benefit from these same blessings on earth, but it will be short-lived when they face the day of Final Judgment.

I ask that in the wake of this ever-changing virus that is upon us that you choose the One who is unchanging in His promises to you and your families. And I pray that God has blessed you with your own “herd” of believers to encourage your faith as you immunize yourself against the death sentence of sin and accept the eternal gift of salvation.

As a women’s health nurse practitioner (NP), I have seen the importance in newer vaccines as they provide protection against certain types of cervical cancer. Whether you are pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, I hope we can all agree that the goal of vaccines has always been to prevent various illnesses and now cancers.

Some even say that vaccines are “one of the greatest health developments in the 20th century.” And, as a healthcare provider, I understand that not everyone is a candidate for vaccines due to allergies and side effects.

Prior to enrolling into nursing school, they required me to take the hepatitis-B vaccine, which is traditionally given in three different injections over a certain amount of time.

This vaccine is now recommended to newborns after delivery. A few years later, after receiving the vaccine series, I accepted my first job as a registered nurse (RN) in our local emergency room (ER). However, the employee health office checked to see if my body had developed antibodies toward the virus, and unfortunately, I was labeled as a “non-responder,” even after I repeated the vaccine series. I was very frightened at the thought of taking care of patients with hepatitis. Due to the high volume of blood draws while working in an ER setting, I was already at an increased risk for accidental needle sticks. And if I was stuck with the needle from an infected patient, I would be at risk for serious consequences, including liver disease, cancer, or even death. Obviously, I was very careful and used appropriate precautions in working with all of my patients, but I was very fearful of the potential for transmission due to my body “not-responding” to the vaccine as expected, nor did I have a “herd immunity” to aid in my protection.

Now, the goal of my article is not to argue the idea of vaccines, but to talk about the hope we have in Jesus Christ, and how we urgently need to share the Gospel with others.

While nonbelievers may prosper on earth, they do not have that same promise for eternity, nor do they have a “herd immunity”

to prevent protection against receiving Final Judgment.

I once heard a wife say to her husband who did not accompany her to church that when they entered Heaven, Jesus would not function like the host of a restaurant—Smith…Party of 2…your mansion is now ready. But, while the concept is pretty funny, the overall picture is very sad. Heaven is the eternal home for individuals who have made a conscious effort to believe in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, believers cannot force doubters to have faith or believe the Good News. All we can do is continue in our prayers and in our witnessing abilities. Even if they do not have a fear of sin on earth, they will face the consequences of God’s Judgment.

While there is debate over the use of vaccines, I definitely did not want to create controversy regarding the hope we receive as believers in Christ. I am a sinner saved by grace, and I know there is no vaccine with that type of protection or power. Thankfully, after having a third series of the hepatitis vaccine as a NP, I was excited to learn that my body had finally developed antibodies against the virus!

So, always remember,we will meet “non-responders” who do not react to the Holy Spirit the first time, or even the third, but the herd of God is mighty and has the power of the Holy Spirit to bring all men to Christ.

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