5 Steps to Going After Your God-Sized Dreams

5 Steps to Going After Your God-Sized Dreams

Ask anyone actively pursuing their God-Size dreams, and they will tell you, it isn’t easy, but I do know from experience that it is possible!! Over the past decade of working with entrepreneurs going after big, big dreams I realized that there are really five steps that lead to success. These five steps will take you from thinking, dreaming, stressing, and discouragement to being hope filled, confident, and moving forward with great momentum in taking your BIG dream from fantasy to reality and I’d like to share them with you today.

Recognize That God Is Speaking To You

You know that thought that keeps resurfacing? That idea that just won’t go away? That desire burning in your heart? That might just be God trying to get your attention. You know that thing that drives you nuts that you just know that you could help people with? You know that thing that stirs up passion within you so strongly? That just might be a clue that God has a plan for you to make that thing better. God is always speaking. We aren’t always listening. Take a moment and dream for a few minutes on that one idea you’ve had for a long time. What would it look like if that big dream came true? What if I told you that in three years’ time, you would be living that dream? What would it look like? Now ask God, “Father, is this desire, this dream from you?” If you sense that God is saying “Yes, yes it is” ask Him to confirm it. And then listen with your eyes, ears, and all of your sense wide open to receive from Him. Once you have confirmation (He might just want you to take a step of faith too!), it’s time for step two.

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Seek Direction from Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit is our great Counselor. He will lead you in the way that you should go. That includes in business or the work that you do! Ask Him for direction daily. It is as simple as “Holy Spirit, what is the next step I should take to bring this dream into reality?” And then write down what you are sensing from Holy Spirit. Perhaps you would rather draw or create in another way with Holy Spirit. That’s great too! Just get that direction and move onto step three.

Be Accountable

There is this enemy that doesn’t want you to go after your God Size dreams and he will try to distract you with all kinds of things. Lies including: attacking your qualification, authority, and even trying to get you to doubt that you heard God in the first place. He does this because he 100% believes what God told you and he really doesn’t want you to succeed. But you know what’s really amazing and fantastic? 

1. He’s already defeated. 

2. That’s a sign you’re on the right track!  Woo hoo!!!

One of the best strategies to help you stay on track and maintain that forward momentum is to be accountable. Share your dream with someone you can trust to encourage you and hold you accountable to what you say you are going to do. If you really want to be accountable in one of the best ways possible, hire a coach. A great coach will not let you succumb to excuses and procrastination. A great coach will lovingly keep you focused and even push you (in love of course!) so you stay on track. As human beings, it is easy to get off track because, well, life happens. Having a coach for accountability and who can stretch you helps ensure that you keep moving forward to make your God Size dream a reality. Which leads us to step four.

Get Into Action

Not just any old action. Solid action. Taking steps as you’re directed by Holy Spirit. This is super important. You can find all kinds of advice on how to start a business or launch a program or service online. There are plenty of gurus who will sell you a blueprint. But is that really God’s best for you? Just because it worked for someone else, does not mean it will bring about God’s best for you. Prayerfully receive guidance from Holy Spirit. If you look back at a previous article I wrote for The Everyday Crown Rocker, you’ll find an article I wrote about having business meetings with God. By the way, you can have a business meeting with Him at any time! Have a question? Ask Him! Wondering which service to use or product to buy? Ask Him! He isn’t short on answers. He longs to partner with you throughout the entire adventure! He will give you details. Sometimes, He’ll speak through others. If you choose to hire a coach or consultant, I encourage you to choose one that is Holy Spirit-led. It makes a tremendous difference when you’re doing business God’s way. After you take one step after another after another, it’s time for step five.


This is a very exciting time! You’ve overcome obstacles. You kicked doubt and procrastination to the curb and it’s the big day! It’s time to LAUNCH! You’ve worked diligently and, hopefully, by the supernatural power of God’s grace and the time has come to publish the page, send the email, start the marketing campaign, and press that button that officially signifies that you have launched. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

This is an incredible opportunity for lives to be blessed and lives to be changed because you took one step of faith after another. Yay, God! Yay, you! You have a God Size dream. It’s a dream that is so much bigger than you and so much bigger than you think you could ever accomplish. When it’s so very big that you feel it could never happen, that’s a great indication that it is a God Size dream. And guess what? Abba desires to partner with you, to go on an adventure with Him and bring your dream out of fantasy land and on the path to launch. Ready to get started? It starts by saying, “Yes, God! I will do it.” and then buckle up.

You just started on an amazing and grand adventure.

I’m so proud of you!

Until Next Time...

Until Next Time...

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