Do you not Matter More Than Birds?

Do you not Matter More Than Birds?

When everything is still, we can hear. It sounds like a known fact that the opposite of sound is silence, but the phrase takes on a whole new meaning when you experience it for yourself.

Recently, I have been more aware of the chirping of birds outside of our home, particularly at night. It's amazing the clarity we receive when we must be still and take inventory of what is going on around us.

Hearing their conversation, I was reminded of Matthew 6:25-26, which says the following:

If you decide for God, living a life of God-worship, it follows that you don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds(MSG).

Our present Selah is not God's punishment. It's a call to remember His promises, His provision, and His consistency. When we become accustomed to "doing," we forget that the Source is not what we do, but in the Person who gives us the ability to live, move, and have our being. It is natural to feel concerned when we don't have the answers, when things are tight, and when things seem turbulent around us.

How can we experience hope in these opportunities?

Come to


God asks us in these moments not to "hide," but to come to Him with those cares and concerns. As we share and release our fears to Him, we experience an exchange for the fruit of the spirit, such as love, joy, and peace. What concerns do you need to share with Him?

What fruit do you need at this moment?

Receive His Promises

When we experience the exchange of our fears for fruit, we can hear and believe His promises. Our hearts are in a position to take His words at face value, despite what our situation may say. In Matthew 6:25-26, we are reminded that we don't have to fuss about our needs. We can trust God cares about each one of them. The birds don't worry about being their Source, because God cares for each of their needs. They need food and lodging. He provides it. We are the crown of His creation, why would He give us anything less than is becoming of sons and daughters.

What is the promise God is speaking for you at this moment?

Rest in His Promises

Our culture mistakenly labels "rest" as a luxury and work (a.k.a. "the grind") as the standard. However, this ideology is not what God advocates. Are there action steps that we will receive to complete even in resting? Yes. However, instead of working so hard to make things happen and stressing, we can take each step in His grace. What work may take 8 hours to complete, in rest we can see clarification in minutes. Let’s look at the birds. They simply go where the provision is located. They don't spend time in the tree, stressing about the "how." The Who has put a gift in them to see where what they need is located. And if the resource is not available in the place where they were once able to find food or water, they simply shift and go where they are encouraged to go next.

This season, God is challenging many of us in what we find our Source.  

  • You may be someone who God is challenging to step out into entrepreneurship(yes at such a time as this), but your provision may have dried up with your present employer. He is the Source of business strategies. 

  • You may be someone who has felt that resources must come from you, and God is going to provide support through the hands of others. He is going to be Jehovah Jireh, the Provider. 

  • You may be someone who is being challenged to take a Godly risk, but His provision is in the stretch.

Whatever your situation might be, allow God to prove His faithfulness. The next time you wonder if God hears or cares, ask, "Don't I count far more to Him than birds?" I promise that you do.

Creative challenge

Find a creative way to communicate what Matthew 6:25-26 means for you and engage your family and or friends. What do you come with? How can these visuals of God's care give you hope?

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Restoring Hope to the Heart

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