All in Kingdom Living

Do you not Matter More Than Birds?

Do you not matter more than birds? When everything is still, we can hear. It sounds like a known fact that the opposite of sound is silence, but the phrase takes on a whole new meaning when you experience it for yourself. Recently, I have been more aware of the chirping of birds outside of our home, particularly at night. It's amazing the clarity we receive when we must be still and take inventory of what is going on around us. Hearing their conversation, I was reminded of Matthew 6:25-26

Outrageous Hope

How is your heart? Are you worried? Anxious? Fearful? Is COVID-19 scaring the crap out of you? Are you wondering if you will survive this pandemic physically, financially, and even emotionally? We are all there desperately spinning in a cycle of questions and hopelessness right now. We are wondering how to handle what we are going through and what the outcome is going to be. These are scary unknowns right now and we need outrageous hope.