All in Health & Wellness

How I Learned to Manage my Emotions

How I learned to manage my emotions. For many years, my thoughts lay in a jumble pile and it was hard to sort through the processes in my mind. It took many years for me to understand that thinking effectively for clarity and sanity involved separating our thoughts. I know it seems strange but as I have said and will say often, it is necessary if you desire to attain any kind of success in life.

Still, I choose Joy

Still I choose joy. These last few months our lives have changed.  Ok, not really changed, but turned upside down and then suddenly took a right turn, then a left and then started spinning round and round landing somewhere we never thought we would be. We have unexpectedly had to put on masks, quarantine for months, wash our hands a bazillion times a day.

Functional Joy

Functional Joy. Many people have never heard this term before, let alone experienced the benefits of it. FM addresses your overall health and wellness and can help you find answers for your medical issues that conventional medicine has not provided answers for. It is a medical modal approach to dealing with chronic illness, taking the whole person into account. It finds the root cause(s) of illness and provides treatment for lasting health and wellness.

Conventional medicine is a wonderful tool to have. If I have a heart attack, break my leg, need surgery, or go into anaphylactic shock due to bee bet I want to be seen by a CM doctor. God has gifted us with the ability to treat many diseases and injuries through this approach.