Editor's Notes - The Joy Issue 2020

Editor's Notes - The Joy Issue 2020

Some days I don’t feel like I have enough. Some days, I don’t think I am qualified to do what God has called me to do. There are many times when I look at myself and at my situation and think: “God, I can’t do this! There is no way I can do this!” Starting my online magazine, The Everyday Crown Rocker, I felt the same way. Even in writing this book, I objected and argued with God that I am not able. As in Jeremiah 1 v 4 - I argued with God that “I do not know how to speak.” Now if you have watched any of my Facebook lives or videos on YouTube, then you know that I am not mute and that I can speak. But I have often said to God, I cannot speak to your people, I cannot share the message you have given me. I don’t have a degree in Prayerology, who am I to write this book. Also like Jeremiah, I argued that I am too young. Who will listen to me? Yes, I have been through a bunch, but am I healed enough, have I come far enough to speak on this? I don’t feel able. My feelings of inability rise within me and I pray, “God, I cannot do this.”

I have also prayed this prayer from the floor, telling God that I could not keep on living. I cried that I could no longer carry the crushing weight of my shame and circumstances. I cried out that I could not do it anymore. I wasn’t able to keep a smile on my face. I wasn’t able to keep my fridge stocked. When I was homeless, it was that I could not keep a roof over mine and my children’s heads. In college, it was that I could not study and pass my tests. When I was single, it was that I could not find a life mate. Before I had my boys, my cry was that I could not bear more children. Regardless of your station, your situation or your circumstances, you have times when you feel that you are not able.

However, God has an answer for us. Read Jeremiah 1 v 7-10. God tells Jeremiah, and us, he specializes in using ordinary people to do extraordinary things and that while we are not able; He empowers us.

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Trust Him despite the fear.

God is the one that is sending you, therefore, obey all that He commands. He is the one that called you to parenthood, so trust Him despite your fears and insecurities. He is the one that called you into business, so trust him as your provider and provide, despite the challenges that come up - trust me... they will. If you know He called you to it, then stick with Him, and do as He commands. That requires praying about your inability and inadequacy and listen for His response to that. Listen for His truth and cling to that.

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Obey Him despite your inexperience.

This one hits home for me as an entrepreneur. In January 2020, I quit my 9-5 and started working my Crown Rocker Digital Publications business full time. I have NEVER been a full-time entrepreneur. I have always worked a traditional 9-5 and worked my business on the side. Over 2019, it became increasingly clear and the stirring to go into full-time entrepreneurship became so great that I finally took the plunge. That has meant, though, that I have had to obey Him in this new territory. This is new and difficult for me. I have no experience with this, but despite that, He still calls me to obey. As I take one step, He illuminates the next, but in order for that to happen, it requires me to obey first. The same is true of parenting, even if you have experience being the mother of one. Being the mother of 2 is a new experience and requires a new level of obedience. Perhaps you are purchasing a new home. Your new experience as a homeowner, as opposed to a renter, will require obedience despite your inexperience. Or perhaps you are embarking on a new relationship, a new job or moving to a new state - all these require that you obey despite your inexperience with this new thing.

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Proclaim His word even when you feel inadequate.

I believe this refers to telling others what God said as in Jeremiah’s case and speaking the word over our own lives. I am guilty of getting so overwhelmed by what I seemingly cannot do that sometimes; I take a minute before I remember to speak God’s truth over my life. I have to remind myself that my God is “able to [carry out His purpose] do superabundantly more than all that I dare ask or think [infinitely beyond my greatest prayers, hopes or dreams], according to His power at work within us” Ephesians 3 v 20 AMP and that “He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:4. I have to remember the promise in Deuteronomy 31 v 8 NIV, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

See, prayers of inability point you towards the one that is able. While you may start with a list of all the things you are not able to do, God comes to you with His even longer list of the ways you are able, not because of you, but because of Him at work in you. See often when we look at our situations and pray, “God, I am not able” it is because you cannot do it in your own strength. You need His guidance and His power at work in you. He is the one that can do it all. What you can do is call on Him to do what only He can do. We get stuck when we look at our own human ability and forget that God can work supernaturally through us. So while we are not able He is!

An in that we find joy!

‘“The Lord bless you  and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you  and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you  and give you peace.”’ - Numbers 6: 24-27 and "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

Flawless! (Extended Article)

Flawless! (Extended Article)