All tagged Mental Health Resources

Embracing the Cocoon

Embrace the Coccon.

When you think of a cocoon you think of the silky outer layer that caterpillars form around themselves to protect themselves as they grow into full grown, beautiful butterflies inside. The cocoon keeps them protected as they grow.

For many of us a cocoon represents self-protection. A place, a space or an attitude of “I need to get away and protect myself”

🤔 How many of you are like me and have created the woman you are to cocoon the hurting child within?

🤔 How many of you, like me, have spun layers and layers of protection around your heart and your soul?

🤔 How many of you, have done what I did and have spent years building the cocoon, but have neglected the REAL work of the cocoon - to protect the growth happening on the inside?

From the Editor: Personal Upheaval, a Pandemic and #BLM

From the Editor: Personal Upheaval, a Pandemic and #BLM

2020 is NOT living up to the hype I ascribed it in 2019. My life as I knew it imploded in-front of my eyes and the dreams, hopes and future I had planned had burned to the ground; leaving in its wake two traumatized little boys and a Mama grappling to rise from the ashes. All of this amid the Covid-19 Epidemic in which all 3 of us caught the virus although my youngest had the most severe symptoms. None of us needed hospitalization (Praise God!!), but I’ll admit there was a tense 48-hour period where I watched my 7-year-old like a hawk. Now… the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor incident. As a black woman and the mother of 2 black sons, when I heard George Floyd call for his mother, it reverberated in my heart as though one of my own boys was calling out to me.

Photo credit: WithUInMind Photography