All tagged Everyday Women

No Squatters Allowed

I want to be remarried someday. My most persistent prayer is that I would be ready for the man that God will bring i.e. that I would be a completed renovation project mentally and emotionally. Not a perfect one - perfection is not possible, but a more complete one that knows how to do the work of maintaining the property. I pray that my future husband has done the same work of restoration and renovation too before we meet. Daily I am doing the work to get my healing credit score up! I choose to do the work so that I no longer attract squatters only those with an emotional and mental healing credit score above 700 need apply. Only those willing to pay full price need to inquire. Handyman skills to maintain the work are a must!  #NoSquattersAllowed  #OnlyGodQualifiedApplicantsNeedApply #UnlessJesusSentYouImUnavailable 

My first love does not wear dirty socks. Whew!

Singleness is more than just limbo or lingering listlessly in the waiting room before marriage. Singleness has far more significance than that. Singleness, like marriage, is also a beautiful picture of God and his plan. Does returning to my first love mean it is always easy and that I never have difficult days? Most certainly not! But it does mean that just as I would turn to my spouse in those moments, I am learning to turn to God. He is the One after all that can work ALL things out and that has solutions for everything! 

The added bonus is that I don’t have to pick up after him, hear him chew, listen to him snore or smell his morning breath. Lol