All tagged Back To School

Meal Planning To Ease The Transition Back To School

Meal Planning To Ease The Transition Back To School. The second week of August means county fair time in my small town. 4H animals and crafting contests, fair food and Ferris wheel rides signal the end of summer and the beginning of the back to school shuffle. Going back to school can be a big change for the family dynamic. Building routines for meals is a great way to build structure into your days and ease the transition to a new schedule.

Fierce and Fabulous

Hello fellow Crown Rockers… let’s talk fashion! We can be fierce and fabulous. What does Crown Rocking have to do with clothes? We honor our Creator in everything we do. Obviously, how we dress, how we feel, and how much we spend all reflect our relationship with God. It’s OK to feel and look pretty. Having a positive self image gives us confidence… When we are confident we are more approachable. We need to be approachable to help others with whatever gifts our Lord blessed us with!