Fierce and Fabulous

Fierce and Fabulous

Hello fellow Crown Rockers… let’s talk fashion! What does Crown Rocking have to do with clothes? We honor our Creator in everything we do. Obviously, how we dress, how we feel, and how much we spend all reflect our relationship with God. It’s OK to feel and look pretty. Having a positive self image gives us confidence… When we are confident we are more approachable. We need to be approachable to help others with whatever gifts our Lord blessed us with!

This issue let’s talk about how what we wear affects how we feel. I spent many years walking around looking like a homeless person. No makeup, wearing whatever I happened to grab that day and only shopping at second-hand stores (or the occasional $3 sale item at Walmart). I didn’t know that I had a poor self image, I just thought that I didn’t care about fashion. Anyone else been there?

Maybe you are still there?

There is nothing wrong with not following fashion trends or with being secure enough to feel no need to wear makeup. I wouldn’t say I was confident though. I hardly ate enough to survive and had put on a lot of weight due to a thyroid condition. By the time my doctor got it somewhat under control, I just didn’t care anymore. I didn’t feel that I was “worth it”.

That is definitely NOT rocking your crown.

We are all beautiful and “worth it” to our Lord. He even died and was resurrected to prove it to us!

I am not really sure when I started to care again, or what caused the change. I think it was a combination

of things. I really got into researching natural medicine and got my thyroid working by changing my diet and taking nutritional supplements. I started eating something healthy about every two hours. I didn’t realize how bad I had felt until I actually felt good! I had energy, I was getting great sleep, I could sweat (I hadn’t been able to sweat for about 15 years), my acid reflux was gone, and my fat started to “melt”. I went down three pants sizes over the first year! I am still what society would consider “fat” or overweight, but I look and feel FABULOUS!

Around the same time… as my diet change, my teenage daughter started commenting on my clothes and asking me if I would dress nicer. I know that most teens are embarrassed about their parents in some way or another, but I felt ashamed of myself. My daughter deserved a mom who cared about herself, not someone who hid behind sloppy clothes hoping nobody would notice her! My daughter was definitely worth making the change for. In the process, I learned I was worth it too.

Tracie Ritz Tree.jpeg

So, if you have been making excuses for dressing like a bum, knock it off!

Quit saving your “Good Clothes” for a special occasion… what could possibly be more special than TODAY! Go to your closet and put something on that makes you feel fabulous… then go to the store or take your kids to school or practice. Maybe even strut a little bit (just a little bit though)! It doesn’t matter if anyone even sees you feeling so fabulous, it’s not for them… it’s for YOU!

Now go… “Rock It”!

Meal Planning To Ease The Transition Back To School

Meal Planning To Ease The Transition Back To School