

With finances being such a stressor, especially during the holidays, it can be difficult to be grateful in this area even though it’s so important. If we aren’t able to be grateful where we are today, it will be tough to be grateful in the future. More money doesn’t fix our issue, better management does. 

Money often claims power over us. “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10 NLT) In order to break this stronghold, we should focus on two things:

1) God owns it all

2) Tithing/Giving

God owns it all.

Understanding that we own nothing and God blesses us with all that we have is stewardship. We are simply managers of His money. This perspective changes things for us. In order to handle more money well, we must start with what we have today and be grateful in our current situation.


“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35 NLT) We know this is true. Think of how you feel at Christmas when you have the perfect gift for your significant other or kids and how excited you are for them to open it. The expression on their face brings you so much joy. 

If we know how enjoyable it is to give, then why is it so difficult to give back to our church and other charitable ministries? It’s a heart issue and not a money issue. The world will say, “Giving 10% doesn’t make sense.” From a strictly mathematical perspective, that’s correct. However, God doesn’t operate on “worldly math,” but instead on “Kingdom math.” Feeding 5,000 families with five loaves of bread and two fish doesn’t make sense, but it happened because God was involved. 

Once we begin giving and taking money’s stronghold from us, we will experience the “floodgates of heaven.” (Malachi 3:10 NIV)

Practical Application I recommend making tithing a non negotiable item in your spending plan or budget. Many churches now offer online giving where you are able to schedule recurring tithes so that you don’t have to worry about it each week. If you are struggling with the concept of tithing, I suggest praying and spending time in the Bible first. Then seek counsel of a trusted leader or friend in your church. 

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions and I will be happy to help.

One Holy Night

One Holy Night

Giving Gifts To Jesus

Giving Gifts To Jesus