All tagged Joy


Joy. I am affectionately known as The Joy Queen.  I can’t remember who started calling me that, but it kinda stuck and in all honesty, I like it! Am I always “happy?” Nooooo, not by a long-shot! But I do live in a place of joy in the Lord! Why is this important? Because in times of living in the messy, we need to know where our Joy comes from so we can live free from fear, oppression and anxiety! Recently I asked a handful of my friends what the meaning of joy is to them and here are their responses:

Want to Have a Joy-Filled Relationship?

Want to have a joy-filled relationship? We all want happy, flourishing relationship...right?

I know I do.

But is it even possible?

The answer is ...Yes!

So what is the key, how do we attain this goal?

According to researchers in the area of positive psychology the key is positive emotions! Especially the positive emotion of joy.

Joy in the Mourning

Joy in the Mourning. Let’s be honest, before we even coined the term Covid-19, because of the world we live in, we were all experiencing some level of grief and mourning. My family was adjusting to the ups and downs of my husband’s recent forced retirement, the death of a beloved uncle, concern for a daughter-in-love due to have a baby, and more.

What were you struggling through? The struggle is a guarantee. John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation...