Creating Stepping Stones for His Glory

Creating Stepping Stones for His Glory

I was only 5 when, having already gone through childhood trauma, I watched my mother, suddenly single, struggling to survive with four young children. Financially illiterate and devastated by her sudden change in circumstance, my mother worked day and night to feed, clothe, and protect us. She even left her nursing career to have more freedom and earning potential raising us by herself, but still, we never knew if our basic needs would be met. Guess this doesn’t really sound like a story about gratitude, does it? But it is. It’s the story of God’s amazing grace and how He can use our past to shape and form our future for His Glory (because what the enemy means for harm, the Lord can use for good (Genesis 50:20). 

Who I became as an adult is rooted in these early lessons of hardship (isn’t it ironic how God’s lessons are wrapped up in our painful challenges?)

We couldn’t afford Girl Scouts, so I made up my own and went door to door selling packaged walnuts from my yard, cleaned houses and yards, and sold random items for money. It’s in our trials we find the Lord and our character is developed, “Because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope“ (Romans 5:3).What trials are currently shaping who you will become? No matter where you may be on your journey right now, know that the Lord sees you and is with you. Being Christian means that we acknowledge our fallen nature and know that we need a Savior. Our churches are filled with hurt people who are in need of repair, just like me. I am called to be Christ-like and be imperfectly me. And so are you!

God is Our Strength (Philippians 4:13)

When I turned 17 I realized that an education was the only way to make a better life for myself and those around me.

With the help and support of my mother, older sister, and several teachers, I buckled down and graduated high school alongside my class.After high school I worked several jobs and tried to take night classes at a community college, but it wasn’t easy. As a young adult I sold Mary Kay and other MLM businesses; but they failed. I had already come so far; but where would the Lord take me?One day a customer mentioned that her daughter would be attending Stanford University. Oh my gosh, I wanted to attend college so badly but I thought there was no way that I could make it happen. Then the woman looked me right in the eye and said, “You take one class at a time, and eventually you will have a degree”.These words of wisdom stuck and I took them to heart. And she was right. With God’s help, I was finally able to pull myself out of the financial hardships that had plagued me for almost my entire life. Decades later I’ve built a successful career in the financial sector helping women who struggle with their finances to become financially independent.

God Knows All (1 John 3:20)

As hard as this situation was at the time, the experience and my mom’s wise words during that time instilled a strong work ethic and belief in me.Through my battles I’ve learned:   Not to use our past as an excuse to waste our future;  That we are in charge of our actions and choices;  We can’t control what others try to do to us but we have control over how we respond;  We can press on and we can move forward .And we can always be kind and generous. Always. Sister, wherever you are in your personal journey, trust in the Lord, He has a plan for your life. We are strengthened by our failures as we learn from them and work to pick others up who are facing things that we have once faced. This world is hard, but we are created in God’s image. Stay consistent in pursuing what God has placed on your heart, and never give in to the voice that tells you to worry about what other people think.We have no idea how He will use our circumstances for His Glory. Believe in His promises. He is your strength through it, He knows where you are, and He is always in control.  So fix your eyes on Him, sweet sister.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. 

James 1:12

The Beauty in Gratitude

The Beauty in Gratitude

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Digging with Invisible Shovels