All in Love & Relationships

Digging with Invisible Shovels

It feels like digging with invisible shovels. How can you miss what you never had? How can you mourn someone you never knew? Well, in that moment I missed her and mourned her. I missed and mourned a relationship that never happened. I missed and mourned her favorite color and sharing mine. I missed and mourned a love for baking and wondering if that was something we shared.

Gratitude in Marriage

This month’s theme of The Everyday Crown Rocker magazine is Gratitude! And in keeping with that theme I want to write about gratitude in marriage. Is it important? And if so -why? Not it seems to go without saying that gratitude is important in relationships. Right? But let’s say it anyway: In relationships, gratitude is important!

But why is gratitude so important for relationships? According to the research, Gratitude is the glue that holds relationships together.