Give Thanks in the Daily Chaos

Give Thanks in the Daily Chaos

Dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Never ending laundry. Kids at each other's throats (again!). Stacked bills that can’t be paid (not all the same month, anyway). The daily aches and pains that are getting worse, not better, with time. Relationships that are hanging by a thread.  Any of this sound familiar? Go ahead and add anything not yet mentioned to the mountain of trials and tribulations. How many times a day do you wish your burden would be released? That the financial blessing would come? Or at least the season of peace and quiet? Or you’d be next for the miraculous healing?But no matter what is going on, we’re told to give thanks in everything. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus“ 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Wait, let’s read that again, “Give thanks in all circumstances”. Not just in some things, but in all the things. Although it’s easier said than done, sometimes finding the gratitude in the midst of life is about shifting our perspective. Here are three ways you can rock your crown, even in the midst of the storm:

What is your story?

Look at your story, your whole story. From the moment you were born to where you are right now. Not just the good, not just the bad, not just the parts that are easily remembered. But all of it. When you look carefully, you’ll discover so much of how the past impacts who you are now! The type of business you’ve chosen, the family you’re creating, the choices you’re making. Spend some time writing out your life story from start to finish, leaving nothing out (this is going to take a while).As a single mama I’ve chosen a tough path of working from home and homeschooling. It’s not easy (and it’s often not pretty. Lunch in pjs, anyone?). There are many days when I’ve questioned my sanity but it wasn’t until I began writing out my own story that I discovered my desire comes directly from having a difficult childhood with my own mom. Not having a support system while growing up meant that it was vital for me to create a life and family with a supportive cheerleader, where I was a part of the daily adventures, and not working. All. The. Time. It became an absolute focal point for me. Now that I recognize this choice coming from my own story, instead of wallowing in exhaustion or allowing despair to overwhelm me on the bad days, I know where my light and desire come from, and give thanks in it (maybe Paul was on to something when he spoke to the church of Thessalonica). We can wallow in the past hurts or find gratitude in how it shapes the future.

Reframe your current struggle:

Years ago, my gorgeous Yorkie passed away suddenly. I was heartbroken and over and over again, I’d think, “he was only 9, he should have lived another three years”. I felt cheated and the thoughts drove me crazy! One day I realized how detrimental that thinking was so I intentionally found something to be grateful for. Instead of the regret of three lost years, I remembered how THANKFUL I was for the nine years we DID have, remembering all the AMAZING adventures we’d had in that time. It didn’t take the pain away and didn’t change the situation, but it did make coping and going forward possible. Now on a day-today basis, instead of looking at a PILE of dirty dishes, I’m SO thankful that we have food to eat, that I’m not cooking or cleaning alone. Pots and pans got me down? I’m PRAISING GOD for electricity (or gas) to cook on the stove.

What part of your struggle can you reframe?

Give yourself permission to have faith:

So you’ve brought your burdens to the Lord and laid them at His feet. You’ve sought solace in Him. Now give yourself permission to be at peace because of faith. Faith doesn’t mean we’ll get what we want; unless what we want is His Will for our lives. But what we can be assured of is that whatever He has planned for us is better than what we had in mind. Even if it doesn’t look like it right away. If the result isn’t looking like what we’d asked for, we can always be assured that the result isn’t up to us. It’s up to Him. 

And in the midst of that knowledge, we find our rest.

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