All tagged Gratitude

Give Thanks in the Daily Chaos

Giving thanks in the daily chaos. Dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Never ending laundry. Kids at each other's throats (again!). Stacked bills that can’t be paid (not all the same month, anyway). The daily aches and pains that are getting worse, not better, with time. Relationships that are hanging by a thread. Any of this sound familiar?

Show Gratitude to Your Soul

Learn to show gratitude to your soul. There was a time when a bath for me would happen every 7-14 days and brushing my teeth was something, I explored a few times a week. Self-care was not my thing and it showed. It had nothing to do with not knowing how to care for myself and everything to do with my choices due to depression and anxiety disorder.

Gratitude in Marriage

This month’s theme of The Everyday Crown Rocker magazine is Gratitude! And in keeping with that theme I want to write about gratitude in marriage. Is it important? And if so -why? Not it seems to go without saying that gratitude is important in relationships. Right? But let’s say it anyway: In relationships, gratitude is important!

But why is gratitude so important for relationships? According to the research, Gratitude is the glue that holds relationships together.

Gratitude is an Act

Gratitude is an act. Moving from a place of gratitude is where we turn our focus this month. Let’s define what we mean as gratitude. Gratitude is an act of pausing and remembering what’s going right in the day. It is the unopened flower that we see unfold before our eyes, and seeing the details of every petal, stem, and pistil. Gratitude is a choice.