Gratitude is an Act

Gratitude is an Act

Moving from a place of gratitude is where we turn our focus this month.  Let’s define what we mean as gratitude. Gratitude is an act of pausing and remembering what’s going right in the day.  It is the unopened flower that we see unfold before our eyes, and seeing the details of every petal, stem, and pistil. Gratitude is a choice.  It is focused thanks for those who are around us and those who bring us joy. Sometimes gratitude takes on the form of a lesson we learn as we watch our children play and negotiate new rules.  Gratitude becomes our focus when we are overwhelmed and need to re-center ourselves on what matters most. It is the warmth of the hot tea at the end of a rough day. It is the silence in the house once all the bedtime battles have ceased and you sit on the couch and take in a deep breath and thank God for the moment of silence.  It is the unexpected kindness your son shows to his brother, that demonstrates that they were actually listening to all the lessons you repeated. Gratitude is remembering our why and creating a reason to try again.

“Mindfulness in giving thanks keeps us present and in the moment, focusing on the things that matter most”

When I look up the definition of gratitude in the dictionary I see the words, the state of being grateful.  When I close my eyes to imagine what gratitude looks like I see images of a man smiling as I hand him a bottle of water, of the baby as I begin to feed her the bottle she has been longing for, the silent thank you that’s displayed with a nod or a look your way.  Gratitude is breathing in and out and taking it all in. For me, gratitude is represented in my journal on my bedside where I write one thanks for the day that has been well spent.

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Practicing the habit of gratitude is a first step to changing your mindset and focusing on what’s going right.  A daily habit of gratitude can change your perspective during challenging times. To simply practice gratitude, begin with one thing you want to give thanks for.  Keep it simple and practice it regularly.  

 Everyday we can pause to reflect on what we are grateful for.  Create a photo collage showing one thing you are grateful for each day.  At the end of the month you will have a memoir to represent how you demonstrate love.  

 Here’s an exercise on gratitude to start you on your journey or reignite your focus on being grateful.  Create your own acronym using the word GRATITUDE. Here’s mine to get you started.

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