Show Gratitude to Your Soul

Show Gratitude to Your Soul

There was a time when a bath for me would happen every 7-14 days and brushing my teeth was something, I explored a few times a week. Self-care was not my thing and it showed. It had nothing to do with not knowing how to care for myself and everything to do with my choices due to depression and anxiety disorder.

It was during this period that I gained enough weight to be staring 400 pounds in the face. Yep! A few more months of going like I was, and I might not be writing this article today. As my path to healing continues, I have learned how to intentionally care for my soul. A part of my self-care routine is to make sure that I show gratefulness to my soul. It has been a wonderful ride, learning how to make sure that I am a priority and that includes me soul. Do you tell your soul that you are grateful? How do you say thank you to your soul?

There are so many ways to be grateful to the state of your soul. 

Take a Nap!

Sleep is an imperative part of soul care. When we take the time to rest our eyes and mind, we give our soul a siesta too. Sleep experts have found that daytime naps can improve many things: increase alertness, boost creativity, reduce stress, improve perception, stamina, motor skills and accuracy, enhance your sex life, aid in weight loss, reduce the risk of heart attack, brighten your mood and boost memory. Tell your soul, thank you by getting some sleep. 

Use a diffuser.

As a certified herbalist and a natural health expert, I have been able to study the benefits of burning essential oils in a diffuser. God designs herbs to help us heal. That healing includes taking care of the soul. Oils like lavender, peppermint, sandalwood, and geranium can help alleviate stress, replenish energy, and balance hormones. When you use a diffuser, you want to make sure to use one that is created for essential oils. 

Be Grateful.

Yes! How often do you thank others? Practice being intentionally grateful for your life, others, and the many blessings bestowed upon you. A simple exercise is to turn every negative thought into a moment of gratefulness. For example, if a co-worker says something that upsets you, take a moment to see them through the eyes of Christ and before you walk away, tell them that you are grateful for who they are. If your child does not wash the dishes, don’t yell but discuss and then let them know how thankful you are to be their mother. Find a way to be grateful at any given moment and your soul will thank you right back with good energy throughout the day. Your soul matters.

Be grateful for everything it brings into your life.

Creating an Environment of Gratitude

Creating an Environment of Gratitude

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Gratitude in Marriage