Nothing to Wear ?!?!

Nothing to Wear ?!?!

How can we love others as we should if we can’t even love ourselves? Yes, we are to love ourselves … it’s so important it is actually one of the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). You see, when God tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves that doesn’t mean that we are to be critical, unforgiving, and judgmental of our neighbors… that is how many of us treat ourselves. It means that we should love ourselves AND our neighbors.

Maybe we are confused about what love really is. When we read verses in the Bible telling us to love others, I don’t believe that love is ever referred to as mushy feelings… Love is ACTIONS and NOT FEELING! Actions like patience, kindness, and forgiveness. Love is NOT FEELING jealous, envious, or holding on to past wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:4-6, Col. 3:12-15). Does knowing that make loving a little bit easier? This means that we don’t have to feel mushy emotions for our co-worker who is a big meanie… we are to ACT in a loving way… be patient, be kind, be forgiving, etc. God doesn’t expect us to have butterflies every time we look at our spouse.

He wants us to love with actions… even when hubby is sitting on the couch watching TV and you asked him 3 times to take out the garbage!

There are several verses that speak about forgiveness Colossians 3:13 and Luke 6:37 are just two of them. All of us have people in our past who wronged us.

Sometimes we need to forgive them before we can forgive and love ourselves. Unforgiveness prevents us from living our best life. We can’t feel fabulous if we are angry with others or ourselves. We all have made mistakes, I can’t help you accept that and move on from it… But I do know someone who can. Try having a conversation with Jesus, just tell Him your problems and that you don’t want to feel this way anymore. Even if you are angry with Him for something… tell Him, He can handle it. He wants to take the hurt from you, but you need to give it to Him first. So what does loving yourself have to do with gratitude? Well, I am extremely grateful that Jesus loves me so much that He took my sins as His own and died for me. It is because of this loving ACTION that I am able to love Him, myself and others. He already paid the price for me… it would be downright rude to reject the gift!

I suppose I should throw some fashion into this article, huh? I may not be able to buy new clothes all the time, but I am very grateful for what I already have.

Sometimes we look in our closet and say, “I have nothing to wear” because we get in a rut always reaching for the same few pieces to wear. One way we can avoid this and wear everything in our closet is to put together outfits instead of just hanging individual pieces. Match up every bottom with a top, jewelry, scarf, cardigan, etc. and put the whole outfit on the hanger. After you wear your outfit, make a different outfit with the bottoms and hang that in your closet. You will be amazed at how many new outfits you can make! For more tips checkout my YouTube channel “Tracie’s Tidbits”.

Hope you have a wonderful month loving yourself and others, feeling fabulous in your new outfits that you had all along, and being grateful to our Lord for all He had done!

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The Devil don't Care

The Devil don't Care